Different authors have written about the environment and the economical change. Let us see three opinions.
Karl August Wittfogel (1896 - 1988): he analyzed the ancient and modern era. His conclusions are related to the development of different cultures around rivers and deltas needed to make it work the irrigation systems. These kind of systems brought about a centralization where the autor based his ideas about the oriental despotism. The one who has the control of the irrigation systems has the control of the economy.
The environment factors determine the kind of economic organization. This organization affects to the results of an economy.
The main critique to this theory is that the factors are independent each others, that is to say, for the develop of the despotism, it does not suggest the existence of irrigation systems and vice versa. Besides, at the old chinese empire, the peasants organized their own irrigation systems, without any control of the goverment.

Eric Jones (1936): he analyzes and explains the origin of the industrial revolution in Europe. The differences in the XIV century between Europe and Asia were not very big, however, different environmental factors make this differences started to be relevant:
Europe has the luck of to own fertile and separated areas by natural barriers, that it did not allow contact among them. This fact means to develop a decentralized power (unlike that Asia where the population was concentrated around the deltas). The european natural disasters kept untouched the physical capital. It had the consequence to develop an increase of productivity and per capita income.
The demographic european model is different from the asiatic (It easiest to recover than the asiatic).
The climate is much more varied in Europe than in Asia. The consequence for Europe is more oportunnities regarding natural resources.
Finally, the physical european situation allow to this continent, to be isolated from invasions (mongols and turks).
Jones considers countries as enterprises. These countries competed among them with the end to achieve the richness of each others.
Besides the countries started to developed a kind of organization where the goverments supplied defense and justice in exchange for a tax. This situation allows to develop scale economics (the largest the population, the lower the cost associated to this population). However there is a point where the increase of this population is negative. This point is negative proportional to technology (how much more is invested in technology later this point appear.
There is another theories that try to explain the economic change regarding the environment by the climates change. However this theories are not adequate because of the lack of predictive.
Cameron R. (1992). Historia Económica Mundial. Alianza. Capítulo 1.
North, D.C., y Tomas, R.P. (1989). El nacimiento del mundo occidental. Una nueva historia económica (900-1700). Capítulos 1 y 2.
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